Udon, Chinese mushrooms & chicken cantonese


A quick delicious dinner with the properties of the rice, white meat, a vegetable backed by a couple of Indian spices. The chicken was preroasted  with cantonese method (see recipe at the bottom of this other post), then sliced and stir fried together with sliced Chinese meaty mushrooms, crashed anacards, a dash of cardamom and blackpepper, red onion. Dress the drained soft udon with this blend of flavors, squeeze little lime before serving. Chinese mushrooms have a strong special taste and they make this simple dish real flavorful, rich and unique. Not only: the chicken, previously cooked, even a left over from 2 days, like in my case, brings character thru grilled aromas of soy sauce and brown sugar in the back.


This meal is going to Presto Pasta Nights 136 hosetd by Girlichef and created by Ruth !~!

Questo piatto comfort che incrocia udon giapponesi e funghi corposi cinesi e’ facile e veloce, soprattutto se come me avete una coscia di pollo arrostita avanzata e volete utilizzarla in qualche piatto creativo e gustoso. Eccolo: In due cucchiai di olio soffriggere cipolla, pizzichi di cardamomo e pepe nero,  aggiungere il pollo, i funghi a pezzetti e anacardi spezzettati. Far amalgamare bene questi ingredienti, poi direttamente versarli su un piatto di udon scolati. Spruzzate anche qualche goccia di lime e servite.

7 thoughts on “Udon, Chinese mushrooms & chicken cantonese

    • it was reeeeallly tasty this one 🙂 and extremely fast to prepare (becoz of the left over chick 😉

  1. Lovely dish. I love Chinese mushrooms. It adds a lot of lovely flavour to most dishes. The good quality ones are very fragrant. Sadly there are a lot of fake ones these days. My family loves all types of noodles and cooked in all ways. I guess it’s very typical of Chinese people.

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