Sweet potato and squash rosemary scented velvety nectar


Do I need to add anything else? A nectar just soft as pure velvet with a wonderful aroma of rosemary and the earthy consistence of sweet potato with a little bit of orange pumpkin. Today entry for lunch! I m going to enjoy it first and then back to the post.

The objective verdict is easy: divine. Or it’s because I love these style of veggies?! Any way you need to make this if you didn’t yet at least once in the lifetime.

Sweet potato
Some pumpkin
Real Rosemary
A little red onion
Some good oil for quick stir fry
A small dollop of mascarpone

In a pot with some water stew the two veg in chunks until okey soft, add onion a little while before turning the fire off. Now transfer them in a blender, the water will be evaporated. In the same pot pour some oil and stir in leaves of fresh rosemary, then add it all into the blender. Always in the same pot briskly warm some water for the final blend. Add also the water to the blender. The cream is ready. Serve into cups with mascarpone and a sprinkle of pink salt. Yes divine entry is served.

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