Salad & bagel going to Hawaii for event

We are  a green salad with a fruit and tofu and a bizarre semisweet bagel, we both have in common a potato: the skin in the salad and the pulp in the bagel.

Ingredients & directions:

  • firm tofu in cubes
  • pomegranate
  • chili
  • butter


Soften them in golden butter.

  • minced garlic
  • potato skin stripes

Briskly fry them in little oil and salt

Mix all these above with lollo rosa, endive, half steamed potato (the same of the skin) in small pieces, cherry tomatoes, oliveoil, pepper. The salad is ready: squeeze in few drops of lime and vinegar


La buccia delle patate e’ deliziosa saltata in un po d’olio con l’aglio. Dopo, dorate in una noce di burro sia melograno che  tofu (foto 1) con chili in polvere. In un insalatiera mescolate questi ingredienti con lollo rosa, indivia, poca patata lessa (la stessa della buccia), pomodorini pachino, pepe, olio d’oliva. L’insalata e’ pronta con due gocce di limone e aceto. 


And what to do with the left steamed potato? Smash it in a no- stickey pan with honey and paprika, a pinch  of salt. Serve it on slightly toasted plane bagel.  Also the sammie is  ready!

Cosa fare della mezza patata al vapore rimasta? Schiacciatela grossolanamente con miele, paprika  e sale in padella. Servite su una bagel leggermente riscaldata al forno.

The combo is going to Souper_Sundays2 now Soups, salads, Sammies, the weekly event by Debi in Hawaii.

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