Strong flour muffin with chorizo

It came almost suddenly like a flash of genius: lets try the bread flour (strong type) instead of the plain one. Lets give a touch of rustic to these slightly spicy muffins. Chorizo and strong taste cheese from Spain called machenago. I m almost off to make more for the dinner too. They are a great taste, you got to try this combination!

how to make chorizo cheese muffins:

  • 150 gr strong flour
  • 1 cup grated machenago cheese
  • salt and pepper
  • dry oregano
  • 1 egg
  • 1 1/2 Cup milk
  • scarse 2 Tsp oil

Separately mix dry and liquid ingredients, then add the liquids (egg plus milk plus oil) to the dries. Stir everything quickly with a fork/ a whisk.  Prepare the muffins and send them to the oven until nicely brown and well done.

These muffins are a perfect idea for a buffet. Chorizo or flavored salami should not be replaced for keeping the typical Mediterranean or Spanish taste. Olè!

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